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Fort Recovery Radio
Proud to Serve Fort Recovery Since 2014

Neal Spencer - Owner
Neal had a vision and was set to
accomplish it.
If you have more info on Neal please contact us....
Meet the Team!

Chuck Rohrer - Station Manager
Chuck was able to take Neal's vision for the station and make it happen literally over night. He has been with us since before the begging of our existence trying to make the station succeed into the future. You can occasionally catch is voice for the show or sports intros, commercials, and is also know as the "Back to the Music" voice. Most people don't recognize chuck on the radio since he uses his "radio voice" in studio.
If you have issues or the station is down you can count on chuck to get things back on the stream.

Bob (Bubba) Staugler - Host of "Sports Talk"
Bob has been with the station since the beginning, brining you all of the local and national sports. Bob and the gang are live every Wednesday night at 8pm talking about your Indians.
Have more info on Bob please contact us...

Harold Fiely - Co-Host of "Sports Talk"
Fee joined our station with Bubba to co-host sports talk. Fee is the owner of Hastings Auto which is local business. Fee brings the life of the party on Wednesday mights.
If you have more information about Fee please contact us...

Bill Staugler - Host of "Breakfast W/Bill"
Well, its Bill....
If you have information about Bill please contact us...

Jeff Hobbs - Sports Commentator
Jeff is one of the best football announcers FRR has. Jeff is a former Principal of Fort Recovery High school and is currently the Superintendent at Fairlawn School District.
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