Fort Recovery Radio
Proud to Serve Fort Recovery Since 2014
Fort Recovery Radio Christmas Gala
"Touching Lives one Family at a Time"
Days / Hours until Show Time:
About the Christmas Gala:
The Fort Recovery Christmas Gala was started in 2015 with hopes to raise money to ease the burden of financial hardships during the Holiday Season. Each year, the event is hosted about 2 weeks before Christmas on a Wednesday Night. The Families are chosen by the christmas crew and are not necessarily local families to Fort Recovery. This event has had the reputation of the "True Meaning of Christmas" and is becoming a tradition for several families and even community groups each year.
How is the Money handled and can I get Tax form? All proceeds are collected, counted and dispersed via the Fort Recovery Community Foundation. This is a very valuable resource as Fort Recovery Radio and its crew are not tied to the funds, we just provide the entertainment.
The Christmas Gala event would not be possible without the efforts of dozens of Volunteers, Organizations, Businesses, and the Village.
Lastly a Huge Shout-Out to YOU for participating to make this event a reality.
Live Streamed Event:
How to Donate & Family Info..
You can see, hear and feel the excitement! FR Radio Christmas Gala is almost here. Before we present the next couple of families, here's a couple details about HOW to donate, if you're interested.
1. You can drop off your donation that night at the Pavilion next to the Fort Recovery Pool The donation drive-through will be the through the parking lot just to the West of the pool. We'll have it marked for you!
2. You can mail your donation to:
Fort Recovery Radio
p.O. Box 541
Fort Recovery, Ohio 45846
Checks should be made out to:
Fort Recovery Foundation
With FR Radio in the Memo line.
3. You can Venmo it to:
@FR-Foundation and put FR Radio in the detail.
The night of the Gala, we'd love to hear from you with your thoughts and pledges. Please feel free to text us that night:
Bob - 419-852-9201
Fee - 419-852-3599
Bill - 419-305-5445
Jack 419-852-5767
Family Info...
Lisa Bechtol and Family – On October 13, Fort Recovery lost an absolute prince of a guy. More importantly, Leah and Kolson Bechtol lost their dad and Lisa lost a loving husband. Kimo Bechtol was the type of guy who simply made those around him happier, closer and better. We’d love to be able to do something to bring Kimo back, but we’re limited to just helping out Lisa and the kids this Holiday Season.
Lainie Hemmelgarn – Lainey is the young daughter of Caleb and Tana Hemmelgarn. In August, at the age of 7 months, Lainey underwent a surgery to remove a 55 mm in diameter tumor. Due to the aggressive nature of the tumor (Medullablastoma), Lainey is currently undergoing an intensive chemo treatment, which includes a stem cell transplant. Lainey is currently at Nationwide Children’s Medical Center in Columbus undergoing one of her treatments. Our thoughts and prayers are certainly with the Hemmelgarn family.
Ethan Kemper - Ethan is a young 19 year old who recently graduated from St. Henry. On September 14th of this year, Ethan was in an auto accident that severe injuries that required being put on an ECMO machine and a prognosis that looked rather bleak. That same night a large group of family, friends, neighbors and strangers filled a local church for a prayer service. A couple weeks later, Ethan opened his eyes and has slowly but steadily made improvements. A couple weeks ago Ethan was moved to Kindred Hospital in Dayton where he's undergoing speech, physical and occupational therapy. The road is a long one for Ethan and his stay at Kindred will not be short. We'd love to help the family out as they face this challenging road.
Jen DeHoff & Family - On July 26, 2024 while visiting with families of foreign exchange students over seas, Jen's husband, Mark, passed away while in Spain. Mark left behind not only his best friend, Jen, but four kids ranging in age from 12-19, as well as an additional teen and five foreign exchange students who also blessed their lives. Jen is a teacher in the Jay County School System. While their faith, friends and community has served them so graciously these past few months, we would like to do what we can to help at this special time of year.
Abigail and Kevin Esser - Back in August, Abby and Kevin were blessed with the arrival of four (yes, you read that right!) beautiful babies. Since the babies came early, there were extended hospital stays for all four. Fortunately, on Thanksgiving Day, this beautiful family of 6, were able to be together as the two smallest were able to make their way to their Sharpsburg area homestead! Adelaide, Charlotte, Mabel and Eden joined Mom and Dad and their Thanksgiving Days will never be the same! As you can imagine, medical expenses and the everyday expenses of four new little girls are certainly enough to challenge any budget! We'd love to help this cute little family out!!
Matt and Liz House - Slightly over 16 years ago, Matt House received a kidney from a loving donor, his wife, Liz. That defining act of love allowed them to live the lives a young couple would want to live, including the birth of their daughter, Clara (who is now 12!). We'd love to raise some money for the House Family this Holiday Season. What would be even cooler would be to help Matt find the kidney he so desperately needs. In an effort to support that possibility, we encourage those able to go to:
https://osuwexmedlivingdonor.org and answer the questionnaire.
Wouldn't it be cool if we were able to make a HUGE difference in someone's life this way?
Cancer Fighters - Much too often the battle with cancer is an extended one. Over the years, we've helped several local families in the early stages of their fight and we want to lend an additional hand to those who need it this Holiday Season. When the Thinking of You cards have slowed and the battles get a little tougher, we want to make sure a message is sent that no one is fighting alone and as a community, our thoughts and prayers and support are as strong today as ever before.
Someone once said "In our darkest moments, we don’t need solutions or advice. What we yearn for is simply human connection—a quiet presence, a gentle touch. These small gestures are the anchors that hold us steady when life feels like too much."
Let's be that connection.